Interview with Anastasia

Hi Anastasia. Welcome to my blog. Today I want to ask you a few questions around #ProjectPositive and your blog ((and even yourself)). 

All images sourced from Stardust.

Could you introduce yourself to the people? Hi everyone, and thank you so much Chloe for inviting me to be featured on your blog today! I'm Anastasia – I'm a 22 year old blogger from down under in Western Australia. I work in online marketing by day and in every spare second that I have, I devote my time to my blog, Stardust. My blog was born of the idea to combine my two passions – marketing and self-acceptance into one. Working in social media, I see so many people engaging in such negative behaviour. If brands can put their best foot forward, why not individuals?

(Anastasia herself, isn't she gorgeous?) 

Give us a quick introduction to #ProjectPositive. #ProjectPositive is an initiative that I launched in April this year, which aims to stamp out self-inflicted negativity not only on social media, but throughout our lives – as often what we post on social media is reflective of our overall mindset. #ProjectPositive sees me posting positivity and self-acceptance prompts several times a week over on my Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest pages.

What is #ProjectPositive to you? To me, #ProjectPositive is the opportunity to not only change women's lives, but to change the world. I know that sounds big, scary and waaaaay too ambitious, but I know that we can change so much simply by changing our mindsets! Can you imagine living in a world where self-deprecation doesn't dominate, and instead of competing with each other – we play on each others strengths, not each others weaknesses? I think that's entirely possible, and that's what I'm trying to achieve!

Where did the idea for #ProjectPositive come from? The idea for #ProjectPositive came from seeing so many of my friends and family on social media engaging in self-inflicted negativity, putting each other down, comparing themselves to everyone around them and holding a self-deprecating attitude. Working with brands online, who make such a conscious effort to put their best foot forward, and then coming home and seeing individuals putting their worst foot forward online really hit home for me, and I knew something had to be done. Of course, #ProjectPositive isn't just about reflecting on the things you find awesome. People sometimes have a misconception that positivity means seeing life through rose tinted glasses, pretending that every single thing is amazing – but that's not the case at all. Positivity is about acknowledging that negative parts of life are always going to be there, but choosing not to dwell on them.

Where do you think ((or want to take)) #ProjectPositive in the future? I've got some big plans for #ProjectPositive! On September 1, I'll be launching a social media challenge around #ProjectPositive which will provide even more ways for people to get involved, which I'm super excited about. I've also had several awesome ladies write their own posts around #ProjectPositive and their journeys towards loving themselves. My aim is to further the reach of #ProjectPositive as much as I possibly can, and be the catalyst behind a new generation of women that refuse to live anything less than the most positive life they can! I'll also be writing about #ProjectPositive for a couple of magazines which is very exciting!

What started your blogging journey? I've always loved writing and have naturally gravitated towards it for my whole life. I've wanted to start a blog for the past 5 or so years, but the idea was never fully developed and I let things get in the way. Classic procrastination! But this year, a spark came to me and I knew I had to just take the plunge. It was one of the best things I have ever done.

Is there anything you do that is different from other bloggers? I think every blogger is different, so I don't want to generalise and say I'm different from everybody else, because truthfully, every single person is different. We all have something unique to offer the world and it's up to us how we choose to channel that energy!

Well thank you so very much Anastasia for joining me on my blog. You should all go and check it out and make sure to follow because she's brilliant.
Chloe, xo.


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