Being the Blind One

I thought that this week I would talk about glasses. Because you know, this is what makes this girl (kind of). I'll start by painting a pretty picture. Since the dawn of time my grandmother has needed glasses. As does my aunt (and they both need them constantly). I am almost absolutely positive that my father needs them as well (although wouldn't know because I have never seen him wear them). And this is only one side of my biological family. You factor in the fact that my aunt's partner needs them and we've got the full package. Then you go to the other side of my family and it's another semi-long list of glass wearers. I know, certainly, that my nanny on that side wears them as does my mum. Couldn't say if my uncle and aunt (from Mum's side) wear them but if this isn't indication enough that I was doomed from the get go then I do not know what does.

Three (ish) years ago I started suffering from severe headaches because of class work, I could barely see the board even if I was sitting in the front row. So I booked an optometrist appointment and walked out with a set of glasses. Actually I'll rephrase that, I walked out with the crippling fear that I would need glasses constantly and not just for looking at the board at school and whilst I was driving. The glasses actually arrived two and a half weeks later. But, nonetheless I was officially the girl who read way too many books to be classed as cool and the pair of glasses to "fit the description." But that did not deter me, I went about my daily business and after the novelty of having glasses wore off I put them away and tried not to use them (I was "strengthening my eyes"). Did not work. Whoops. Only in the past year have I just started casually wearing my glasses and been comfortable in them. For some reason being the "uncool" glass-wearing girl has always given me some illogical fear that people are laughing at me, even though I usually don't care about people's opinions on myself.

But, back to glasses. On Friday I had to go for another eye test. Since starting university I have been having killer headaches and had just put it down to moving and maybe not getting enough sleep. Oh, how I was wrong. Three weeks in and I'm still getting them. Then the bright idea sprung into my mind that I hadn't had an optometrist appointment in three years. And groaned. Because now that thought was playing in my head I had to get my eyes checked. And I did get my eyes checked. My eyes have completely changed. Three years ago I was short-sighted, now however I have been informed that I am long-sighted and my eyes have "shifted." Still completely confused as to how the hell my eyes have shifted (how does that happen?!) but I am looking forward, and hoping that my glasses arrive next week because I need them. Right. Now.

Are you the blind one too? How do you feel about having glasses?

Chloe, xo.


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