Things to Know in High School
As you all will, hopefully, be aware I finished high school last year. I am going to be vehemently honest here and say I absolutely, positively did not like high school. I loved my friends and some of the memories that were made, I liked my teachers and a small amount of the school work we did but the entire time I was there I felt like a fish being told to climb a tree. Or a cat being told to swim. I felt out of place. Along the way I picked up a few things that I thought could be useful to the high school student. So buckle up, sit tight and take my advice on board. Who knows, it might even help.
1. Friends are lovely to have, but don't feel reliant on them. Some people pretend to be your friends and turn out completely different, some people take advantage of you and exploit it to the world and some people are genuinely good. I found in high school that it was all about finding your niche and deciding what works for you.
2. Even though that assignment is really, really important you can do it tomorrow. For now, sleep. Yes, I know. I understand that feeling completely. But sleep is actually your friend and I know that everyone seems to tell you that. Your mum, dad, older siblings, aunts, uncles and grandparents but I am being ultra serious. Sleep is one of the most important things you can give to yourself (along with water!!)
3. Do not stress in your last year when applying to university. Teachers and principles and heads of year and all the rest of it make choosing your course for university sound as if it is the most important decision in your life. If you only listen to one thing it is this: IT IS SO EASY TO CHANGE SUBJECTS IN UNIVERSITY. Now that, that is said we can move on.
4. Nothing stays the same as it did on your first day. People change, things shift, shit happens. On my first day I was crying (I mean on my last I cried to but for completely different reasons) I had no friends, I was the loner and I did not know what high school was all about. On my last day I cried over the fact that I would soon say goodbye to my friends and everything would change again. There were also happy tears on my last day and you have to know that things get better.
5. No matter how difficult things are someone will always be there to support you. Increasingly teenagers are being diagnosed with mental health issues and don't want to talk out about them. I know, I lived with one for a fair few years. One day I broke down and reached out to some of my friends for help and found out that two of them were also living with mental health issues, not only did we support each other we also became closer in the process.
6. High school is a really small part of the rest of your life. You are there for five years (maybe six depending on what your school classes as 'high school') from an average of an 83 year life. High school is certainly not your entire life and don't treat it like that. I mean sure, take it seriously but know that at the end of high school you can get out and do whatever your little heart desires.
Chloe, xo.
1. Friends are lovely to have, but don't feel reliant on them. Some people pretend to be your friends and turn out completely different, some people take advantage of you and exploit it to the world and some people are genuinely good. I found in high school that it was all about finding your niche and deciding what works for you.
2. Even though that assignment is really, really important you can do it tomorrow. For now, sleep. Yes, I know. I understand that feeling completely. But sleep is actually your friend and I know that everyone seems to tell you that. Your mum, dad, older siblings, aunts, uncles and grandparents but I am being ultra serious. Sleep is one of the most important things you can give to yourself (along with water!!)
3. Do not stress in your last year when applying to university. Teachers and principles and heads of year and all the rest of it make choosing your course for university sound as if it is the most important decision in your life. If you only listen to one thing it is this: IT IS SO EASY TO CHANGE SUBJECTS IN UNIVERSITY. Now that, that is said we can move on.
4. Nothing stays the same as it did on your first day. People change, things shift, shit happens. On my first day I was crying (I mean on my last I cried to but for completely different reasons) I had no friends, I was the loner and I did not know what high school was all about. On my last day I cried over the fact that I would soon say goodbye to my friends and everything would change again. There were also happy tears on my last day and you have to know that things get better.
5. No matter how difficult things are someone will always be there to support you. Increasingly teenagers are being diagnosed with mental health issues and don't want to talk out about them. I know, I lived with one for a fair few years. One day I broke down and reached out to some of my friends for help and found out that two of them were also living with mental health issues, not only did we support each other we also became closer in the process.
6. High school is a really small part of the rest of your life. You are there for five years (maybe six depending on what your school classes as 'high school') from an average of an 83 year life. High school is certainly not your entire life and don't treat it like that. I mean sure, take it seriously but know that at the end of high school you can get out and do whatever your little heart desires.
Chloe, xo.
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