"new year, new me" ||

here's me posing, because I have just dyed my hair again.

2016 was one hell of a year. Honestly, it was just plain shit. And, with a shit year, comes a lot of processing for what has just passed. I wanted to use this blog as a platform where I could freely talk about things in my life and also where I could just share my thoughts on things that I felt mattered to me. I wanted to do beauty posts, but I don't feel like I fit that standard beauty blogger stereotype, I wanted to be "self-helpy" but with where I was last year would make it a little hypocritical to try and help others. Instead I settled for silence in this space, I didn't want to share anything if I felt like I couldn't help anyone and I've ended up with a stockpile of half finished mediocre drafts that mean nothing. But as part of shifting into the new year is all about this "new year, new me" crap I decided that I had to help myself out of this crappy mainframe and instead prop myself back up and get back on the bandwagon, in whatever form possible. So here I am, the girl behind the glasses, coming at you with my random ramblings about what my 2017 is going to look like (and yes, I know it's March)

1. Get good, if not great, grades.
2. Find an actual home to live in
3. Not change my address at least until my lease expires
4. Be more than what I am because at the moment I feel less, in every aspect of my life.
5. Find some sort of peace in what I'm doing
6. Actually take up a hobby that I stick to
7. Blog semi-regularly (this one is a recurring theme every single year, and it usually works for a month or two until I either forget or find no motivation)
8. Practice self-care regularly.

Chloe, xo.


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