"The 5th Wave" by Rick Yancey

Author: Rick Yancey
Release Date: May 7th, 2013
Pages: 457

"Now Cassie must choose: between trust and despair, between defiance and surrender, between life and death."

I am late to the party on this book. Yes, it has been out for almost three years. But with the movie release soon I thought that I should read the book before I watch the movie. I'm just that sort of person. Before picking up the book I had not heard anything about it. I had watched part of the teaser trailer for the movie. That was it. So I had no idea about the switching point of views, which confused me, or what the book was about, which threw me as soon as I started reading. I personally don't read alien stories, they are not my forte but the premise was interesting and I thought it would be good. Wrong. So very, very wrong. I am not saying this book was terrible and not reading-worthy because if you're looking for a book that has a semi-predictable storyline and a [spoiler] "unexpected" romantic subplot then this is your book. I am not however going to point out how terrible this book was though. No, there were some points I liked. Nugget and Zombie are one. These two characters became friends, Zombie helping Nugget and making sure he was safe, even when they stood in the face of [unknown] adversity. Second favourite part of the book was Ringer. Who doesn't love a secondary character badass shooter type, who actually gets "it" quicker than the rest of the damn characters in the book?

Pushing the characters and basic plot structure aside I did find some great psychological dimensions. The whole "who is the enemy when the enemy looks just like you?" thing was developed so, so well and was a very nicely carried theme throughout. The other theme's, you are my battlefield etc., were not as great and I kind of thought it ridiculous that everyone was hearing these words and they still hadn't put together what was going to happen in the end! To no end I was tearing at my hair in frustration. These people were not listening! Yes, they are characters in a book but Rick Yancey wrote them to be, somewhat, stupid humans who had no clue about anything. The only person who got it was Ringer, and she was a secondary character!

Yes, The 5th Wave is a good read if you're looking for an afternoon to fill but I will not be reading the second in the series. Sorry Mr Yancey, you just didn't catch my fancy.

Chloe, xo.


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